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If you’re in the business of selling to other businesses, you need to be in the business of creating buzzy video content. That’s not just a tongue-twister, it’s a proven fact, and we’re here to tell you why.

In 2021, research by Wyzowl found that video remained a top priority for marketers, even more so since the pandemic which sent many people online in search of virtual reviews and demos. With such an influx of consumers resorting to online marketing, it’s no wonder that businesses are doing the same for their own mining. This change in climate is why B2B companies are increasing their video marketing efforts and seeing a massive ROI.

What Is Video Marketing?

In case the idea of marketing still conjures visions of print ads in your mind, let us give a very brief overview of what exactly video marketing is, especially in the B2B realm. B2B video marketing involves sending video content to your B2B audience in order to both educate them and promote your product or service.

The most successful video marketing campaigns in the B2B world seamlessly blend education and promotion by engaging the audience and enticing them to move on the call to action without the usage of cheesy marketing tactics. While that can often be a tricky mountain to climb, we have some tips to help you along the way.

Why Make the Effort?

Before we get to the “how,” let’s look at the “why” behind B2B video marketing by taking a peek at the latest marketing statistics. These eye-opening numbers from Wyzowl will tell you why video marketing should matter far better than words ever could.

  • Wise Investment — 87% of video marketers report that video brought them a positive ROI and was effective for generating leads.
  • Educational Tool — 94% of marketers say video helped improve their users’ understanding of their product or service.
  • Better Engagements — The number of videos watched online by people has doubled since 2018 and is now one of the highest priorities for marketers.

With numbers that high, it’s fairly easy to see why video marketing is something you should be learning more about. Speaking of learning, let’s move right along and get into the educational portion of our lesson.

How B2B Companies Can Use Video Marketing

When marketing to other companies, it’s important to know what they’re needing to see from you and where they’re looking to find it. According to recent studies by DemandWave, 89% of marketers are going to LinkedIn for their connections and marketing. That’s a pretty important statistic to know but it’s even more important to know what they’re looking for once they get there.

In general, B2B companies are looking for professionals that are trustworthy, reliable, and proven by others. While a snazzy website can (and should) affirm all of those factors, it’s even more effective to show it with video. Let’s look at the three major ways to show B2B companies that you deliver on all three.

1. How-to Videos and Product Demos — People love a good demonstration video and that is certainly still the case for B2B sales. When words just aren’t enough, create a video showing how to use your top products and how they perform in real life. There’s nothing more convincing than a raw video putting the proof in the pudding.

These videos are a great way to exhibit the reliability factor when you show your customers how your product or service provides a solution to their problem.

2. Interviews and Testimonials — When a new client is trying to decide if they want to partner with you, they’re likely going to want to hear if others would recommend your services. Ask three of your top customers if they’d be willing to do a casual interview with you so the world can hear directly from them why they chose to do business with you and why they keep coming back for more. The less staged, the better.

These videos will effortlessly show that you’ve been proven by others.

3. Product Updates — If you have current B2B customers and clients, it’s important that you continue to engage them just as you would a new prospect. One way to do this without coming across as aggressive is to do a video showing a new update for one of your products or services. These short videos can either be in expectation of an upcoming announcement to create a buzz, or they can be informative about a readily available release. Be sure to push the benefits that they can expect from the update so they’re inspired to take action.

4. BTS Content — When trying to show prospective customers that your company is trustworthy and reliable, there’s no better time to show them what’s behind the curtain which is exactly why you should create a BTS (behind-the-scenes) video. Let people take a peek at your operations as you show them your facilities, employees, and day-to-day operations.

BTS videos demonstrate your trustworthiness when you let your guard down so don’t shy away from these. By getting your employees involved, you’re building your brand and community — two things that should never be underestimated.

When creating any of the above videos, keep in mind that your video should be, above all, informative and real. While it’s always nice to put out a professional-looking video complete with graphics and seamless transitions, what’s more important is that your customers are getting the impression that you’re someone they’d like to do business with.

Here’s Looking at You, 2022

If 2021 is any indicator of what we can expect in marketing for 2022, we’re only going to see the statistics for video continue to climb. While people are starting to venture out into the real world more, they’ve also grown accustomed to the convenience of doing their research and purchasing online which isn’t likely to change anytime soon. Take advantage of this trend by adding video marketing to your B2B strategies. We have a feeling you’ll see an ROI that will knock your socks off.

How do I use LinkedIn B2B marketing?

Use Sales Navigator for lead generation, share B2B-focused content, and join industry-specific groups. Leverage LinkedIn ads targeting specific job titles, industries, or company sizes.


Devanny (dev-uh-knee) is a Social Media Marketer based in Las Vegas. She's a dog lover with a propensity for mystery novels, and when she's not at her laptop working on comprehensive marketing campaigns, she can probably be found running around Disneyland or curled up with a good book!