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Marketers increasingly rely on LinkedIn as a go-to digital marketing tactic to target leads and win new customers. LinkedIn’s lead conversion rates are three times higher than other major ad platforms. If you haven’t been using or have only dipped your toes in LinkedIn lead generation opportunities, this blog is for you.

Your competitors are probably already doing it, but it’s not too late to catch up. We’ll walk you through proven lead gen strategies you can use to fill your sales funnel with the right kind of future customers.

Build your LinkedIn profile

If you’re starting with LinkedIn, you need an effectively optimized LinkedIn profile of your business — from an eye-catching headline to a compelling summary — to get more eyes on your brand and product. Have a professional and eye-catching banner profile that catches readers’ attention. It’s also important to provide a clear business description, exclusive offerings, vision, and website details to establish your brand presence and credibility.

Your work doesn’t stop at building a personal brand — you should also ensure a strong LinkedIn presence of your top executives. Chart out a well-structured strategy so they contribute more thoughtfully to LinkedIn groups within your industry or post relatable content to their feeds.

When it comes to content marketing, have strong credibility as an industry thought leader — this includes posting thought-provoking content, such as executive commentary and opinions on the latest trends. Most importantly, make sure to use a consistent tone of voice in your brand messaging and content, something your audience would resonate with. To check your content performance, follow your page analytics to figure out what resonates with your audience and create content accordingly.

Forge meaningful connections

Once your profile is optimized, the next step for you is to start building connections. Depending on your business goals and target audience, you can develop a strong network by connecting with potential peers and industry contacts of your existing connections. 

You may target decision-makers of businesses you feel may need your product or service, including marketers, C-suite executives, and product managers. You can even consider exploring LinkedIn’s hyper-targeted filtering tools to find the specific audience you’re looking for.

Join LinkedIn groups

When it comes to making connections, you can elevate your authenticity and credibility by joining industry-relevant groups. When you’re accepted as an insightful and valuable brand across groups, you’ll begin to develop real connections with your peer professionals and ideal customers. 

Be up and running on posting engaging and relevant content on trending discussions to establish your credibility. Understand common pain points of the potential audience and offer your expert advice and feedback. You can even gauge different perspectives of the group members and accordingly present your product’s value proposition that’s in line with audience concerns.

Elevate your website

When you create ads that direct users to a landing page on your website, make sure your site is well optimized with no break-off points. Have dedicated landing pages for different offers to ensure a smooth transition of prospects into leads. Cater to each phase of the purchase funnel throughout the website— ebook/guide for consideration phase, free trial/demo for conversion phase — and provide relevant CTAs.

If you want conversions, you must conduct A/B testing on your landing pages. This is the only way to see which version, headline, offer, or CTA of a page generates more clicks, and reduces bounce rates. As you test different landing pages, you can refine them even further.  

Explore different lead-gen avenues

Depending on your business goals and marketing budget you may experiment with different avenues to reach out to potential customers. Do not ignore your profile views — it’s one of the most proven ways to take you to potential leads who are further down the sales funnel.

You can take advantage of in-platform lead gen forms, which auto-populate users’ profile data when they click a CTA linked with an e-book, newsletter, or resource guide. If you want to engage with your ‘future customers’ at each touchpoint, create different types of ads — sponsored content, sponsored messaging text, and dynamic ads — targeting potential customers across different stages of the buying cycle. Just be sure to promote exclusive offers that give unique and real value to the ad visitors.

Go for LinkedIn automation tools

Once you’ve earned, tested, and nurtured your LinkedIn leads, you can take the lead gen game to the next level — attract more people to your sales pipeline using advanced LinkedIn automation tools. You can automate profile views, connections, and outreach messages with these tools. They even go beyond lead generation, nurturing them toward conversion

With Zopto, a cloud-based social selling and LinkedIn lead generation tool, you’ll earn a consistent stream of warm leads for your business every month. The high level of targeting and personalization Zopto offers makes it stand out from other automation tools.

Choose from our range of packages and let’s get started with the most rewarding LinkedIn lead generation tool. You can also Connect with our LinkedIn automation specialist or book a Demo now.

How do you save more than 25 leads in sales Navigator?

You can save up to 1,500 leads in Sales Navigator Professional and up to 5,000 leads in the Team version.

Can I make money from LinkedIn?

Yes, you can make money from LinkedIn by using it for lead generation, selling products or services, or finding new job opportunities.

Can freelancers use LinkedIn?

Yes, freelancers can use LinkedIn to showcase their portfolio, connect with potential clients, and find new opportunities.

Jaclyn joined the team as an Account Manager in early 2018 and now proudly supports Zopto as CEO, where she is responsible for wrangling and organizing our team initiatives.