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LinkedIn is a platform where personal connections are important. Positive interactions count for a lot, whether it’s for expanding your professional network, looking for a new job, or finding opportunities for B2B lead generation. You can’t get away with spammy or impersonal content and messages. But how do you make sure you come across well? And what should you put in a LinkedIn thank you message after connecting? We take a closer look at some of the key aspects of both of these questions. 

What is a LinkedIn Thank You Message?

On the surface, the answer to this question seems fairly straightforward. It’s a message that you use to thank someone for something. In reality, there are many reasons you might send one and many elements to think about when creating yours. 

People often send thank you messages on LinkedIn after they’ve had a positive interaction. For example, this could include: 

  • Accepting a connection request. There are several reasons you might want to do this, as we’ll explore further down. 
  • After having an interview or meeting. It can reinforce points you brought up during a prior interaction. 
  • After reading the content, they’ve posted. Adding a personal and more private touch can express your gratitude in more detail. 
  • Reconnecting with someone. It could be an old colleague or boss who’s helped you in the past. 

These messages are all very different and have a variety of purposes. However, each can be a powerful tool for networking, sales strategy and generating leads on LinkedIn.

Why should you send a thank you message?

Showing gratitude has many benefits for both the sender and the recipient. Additionally, by saying thanks, you can improve your relationships for successful B2B sales leads generation by saying thanks. However, despite this, many people feel a little awkward about sending a thank you message. 

Despite any misgivings you have, writing a note expressing thanks is generally well-received. People like to feel good about their interactions, no matter how small. So, as well as making both parties feel more positive, it has some other tangible benefits. 

After connecting, a well-timed thank you message can go a long way to building a relationship. Whether you’ve met in person can also get a conversation going. If you work in sales, you’ll know precisely how important both of these factors are. Both can help turn a warm lead into a sale. 

As well as showing that you care about your connection with them, it also keeps you at the front of peoples’ minds. So, whether it’s after a job interview or for a potential opportunity to generate B2B sales leads, it keeps you on their radar. 

Similarly, if you ask to connect with someone new, you can follow up on their acceptance with another call to action or some useful info as you say thanks for adding/accepting you.  

Tips for Writing the Best Thank You Message

Of course, writing a good LinkedIn thank you message after connecting is a lot more complicated than actually sending it. You’ll want to think about what you want to say and how you want to say it. 

Although the exact content is context-dependent, constructing a good message is a bit of an art. Here are some tips to consider when writing yours: 

  • Start strong. An eye-catching headline is a surefire way to ensure your message gets read. You’ll want to craft something concise yet provide enough info for them to recognize what it’s about. 
  • Keep it short. A thank you message shouldn’t be overly long and detailed. Keep to the point, explaining what you’re thankful for, why it’s beneficial, and how you can build on things going forward. 
  • Keep it personal. Don’t just copy and paste the same template for each person. It will be obvious that your message isn’t sincere. Instead, make sure to include some personalized details to show you actually care. 
  • Ask a question. If you’re hoping to get further engagement from the person, make sure to leave off with a relevant question. This will encourage them to reply and keep the conversation going. 

Thank You Message Templates to Get You Going 

So, you’re probably itching to get started writing your thank you messages by now. But if you’re struggling to find the right words, we’ve got some LinkedIn message examples to give you some inspiration: 

Thank you for adding me

This one can be used when someone accepts your request or when they add you unprompted with some editing. 

Dear [their name], 

Thank you for adding me. I was really pleased to see you accepted my request. I look forward to chatting more about [your business area of expertise]. I think it would be mutually beneficial to discuss [particular area], so would you like to arrange a call sometime soon? 

Thanks [your name]

Thank you for inviting me

If you are invited to connect or into a group, this can be a useful one to have. 

Hi [their name], 

Thanks for inviting me to connect/to join the group. I see that you have an interest and expertise in [a relevant field], and I’d love to chat more with you about it. When would be a good time to call? 

Thanks [your name] 

Thank you for a previous interaction

If you recently met or spoke to someone, it can be good to say thank you for your time. 

Hi [their name], 

It was great to see/speak with you on [day]. I was really interested in hearing your thoughts on [topic of discussion], and I just wanted to thank you for your time. 

If you have any other ideas, I’d love to discuss them further with you. Please give me a [call/email/messge]. 

Thanks [your name]

Final Thoughts

Thank you messages often go down well. They don’t take long to write, but they can improve relationships and build goodwill. And, by sending a LinkedIn thank you message after connecting, you can spark a conversation that might just lead to an opportunity for you both.


  • Should I respond to LinkedIn messages? Absolutely! A conversation is always a positive thing, and LinkedIn is a platform that’s built on connections. 
  • How do you respond to a message on LinkedIn? It’s really easy to respond. Click on the message you want to respond to, and a text box opens up. Write your message and hit send. 
  • How do you thank someone for accepting a meeting? A simple message expressing gratitude will suffice. You may also want to include details about what you’ll cover in the meeting. 
  • Can I report inappropriate messages? Yes, you can report spam and inappropriate content. Select the message you want to report, and select ‘Report this conversation.’ It will ask you why you’re reporting, and then you click ‘Submit.’ 
  • Can I send a message to multiple people? Yes, you can create a group conversation with your connections. Open the messaging tab and click the ‘more’ icon. Select ‘new group conversation’ from here and add the people you want to message. 
  • Can I send a voice message? Yes, the feature allows you to send voice messages that are up to one minute long.

Devanny (dev-uh-knee) is a Social Media Marketer based in Las Vegas. She's a dog lover with a propensity for mystery novels, and when she's not at her laptop working on comprehensive marketing campaigns, she can probably be found running around Disneyland or curled up with a good book!