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We’ve all seen the message – ‘I’d like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.’

It’s about as uninspiring as it comes, and certainly shows a lack of effort. It’s definitely convenient, and if you’re adding old friends or current colleagues, it doesn’t matter so much. But if you’re trying to generate leads and forward your business agenda, it just doesn’t cut it. Yet writing out a new and detailed request each time you add someone isn’t a productive use of time.

That’s where LinkedIn connection request message templates come in handy. We take a look at how they work, what to include in yours, and some examples of useful ones.

LinkedIn Connection request

Why Use LinkedIn Connection Request Message Templates?

There are several reasons why using message templates is an effective way of reaching new people. However, there are caveats to this – if you simply spam the same script to everyone, people are soon going to ignore or reject your requests.

Similarly, one line of text along the line of the default message isn’t going to stand out. Remember, it’s likely that many of the professionals that you’re hoping to connect with get a high volume of requests.

Message request templates serve two main purposes for salespeople. Firstly, they give you the opportunity to get some compelling content in front of your potential new lead. Secondly, it saves you time having to craft a totally unique response each time you reach out to someone new.

Having an invite template gives you the opportunity to have a basis for what you want to say to new connections. From a sales point of view, this is what can turn a prospect into a hot lead.

Of course, when you’re considering how to reach out to someone on LinkedIn, you want to make a good impression. So, by taking the time to create a template and then tailoring that to individuals, you can save time when making connections, and get some key information to the connection.

In the Zopto guide to lead generation, we explored how essential LinkedIn is as a platform. Yet, with the amount of traffic that goes through the site, a custom LinkedIn connect message can go a long way to making you stand out.

Key Components of a Successful Connection Request

So, what should you include in your invite template? It’s a question that has a few answers, as well as several variables. In reality, it depends on a considerable amount on who you’re trying to connect with and what the purpose of the request is for.

From a sales point of view, the temptation is to jump straight in with a sales pitch. After all, this could be your one chance to impress them. However, an overly salesy message can be immediately off-putting. Your goal with the connection request is to build a relationship that may lead to a sale, not an immediate sale.

So, how can you ensure that your LinkedIn connection message hits all the right notes? We’ve outlined some of the essential components to consider:

  • A professional and polite tone. Regardless of whether you’ve already or spoken to the person, make sure that you follow the conventions of business communication. Your message should be polite, professional, and pertinent.
  • A personal touch. Don’t just copy and paste your message from one connection to the next. Add some personal touches to your message, showing that you’ve read their profile, and you understand why connecting could be mutually beneficial.
  • No errors. It goes without saying that your message should be free from spelling and grammar errors. Similarly, you should make sure that any information about them and you is up-to-date and accurate.
  • Brief and to the point. You only have 300 characters to work with, meaning you have to choose your words carefully. Don’t waste space with fluff. Keep your message on topic and straightforward.

Our Favorite LinkedIn Connection Request Examples

So far, we’ve outlined some of the essential components of LinkedIn connection requests and why they’re useful. But perhaps the best way to get an understanding of what really works is to give some examples of approaches that work.

Of course, no two requests are going to be the same. The exact contents of your invite template will differ depending on the purpose of the message. To demonstrate this, we’ve picked out some examples from three key areas; sales, marketing, and IT. Each gives a demonstration of how to connect on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn Connection Request

Sales LinkedIn Connection Requests

Example 1

Dear [first name], 

I came across your profile after you shared a post about [x topic]. I’d be interested to hear your thoughts on [a related topic]. I work in [y field] and help businesses in your niche achieve [z achievement]. I’d really like to discuss [x topic] with you further, so feel free to drop me a message, and we can talk. 

This LinkedIn connection request message template comes across as light and friendly while establishing your niche and goals. It’s the first step in building a rapport, which could well result in turning a prospect into a lead. It encourages the person to reply, giving a LinkedIn CTA for them to reach out.

Example 2

Hi [first name], 

I noticed we’re both connected to [mutual connection], so I checked your profile and saw you also [went to the same school, worked at the same company, live in the same city, etc.]. As your current role is in [x role], I think we might be able to help each other out. I specialize in [y product/service], so It’d be great to talk sometime. Feel free to drop me a message!

Again, the tone of this opening is friendly and draws on a shared mutual connection. Of course, this only applies if you actually have someone in common. It’s good to show you’ve done your research, while also keeping your approach focused on lead generation. It’s a great way to make a good impression.

Marketing LinkedIn Connection Request

Hi [first name], 

It was great meeting you at [x event]. Our chat about [y topic] got me thinking about [z topic]. I’d love to chat with you further about it and get your thoughts on [a marketing strategy]. Let’s connect and keep in touch. 

This short but sweet message builds on a pre-existing connection. Of course, it could be any event, or even that their name was mentioned by a colleague. The goal here is to jog their memory, as well as set your agenda for what you’d like to discuss. It shows you’ve reflected on how your expertise and theirs can combine, building rapport.

IT LinkedIn Connection Requests

Hi [first name]

I’ve been keeping track of the content you’ve been posting and have been really impressed with your work. I’d love to see whether we could work together on [x IT project], would you be open to a quick call to discuss further? Looking forward to possibly collaborating! 

This opening shows that you’re not just blindly reaching out to connect with this person. Instead, you’ve done your homework and feel there’s genuine value in being connected. There’s a call to action and the strong possibility of a reply.

Get Started On Your LinkedIn Connection Request Template Today

By now, you should know just about everything you need to know to craft your very own LinkedIn invite template. There are a few crucial things to remember. First and foremost, this isn’t a method to spam potential leads with your sales pitch and jargon. Instead, it’s a method of building connections and starting conversations.

It’s also worth bearing in mind that you won’t have one, inflexible template that you send to everyone. You should tailor each template to different needs, and each message should be tailored to that connection.

We’ve provided you with some examples of effective LinkedIn connection request message templates, so you can start constructing your own. Remember, it’s a process that will evolve over time as you discover what works for your approach.


Q. What is LinkedIn etiquette?

A. There are many things to bear in mind when you’re using LinkedIn. First and foremost, remember that it’s a professional network. Despite its social media vibe, it’s a place to be polite and professional. Don’t spam your sales script, and respect when people aren’t interested.

Q. What do you say when someone accepts your LinkedIn invitation?

A. It’s always worth acknowledging when someone accepts your request. A brief note to say thanks and continue the dialogue goes down well, although don’t be pushy. If you can, you may want to arrange a call or meeting to discuss things further.

Q. How do I send a LinkedIn connection message?

A. When you add someone as a connection, you’ll be automatically prompted to customize your invitation. This action opens a 300-character text box where you can craft your message.

Q. How do you message someone on LinkedIn who is not a connection?

A. You can send a message on InMail to any LinkedIn connections who are a 1st- or 2nd-degree connection. For everyone else, you can message using the ‘connect’ button.

Q. Is it ok to connect with strangers on LinkedIn?

A. It’s ok, provided that you have a genuine reason to message them. Blanket spam connections aren’t acceptable.

Q. Can everyone see your LinkedIn messages?

A. Only the person you’re sending the message to can view it.

Q. How do you know if someone rejects your LinkedIn request?

A. By navigating to ‘My Network’ and selecting ‘Manage All’ you can see whether your request is still pending. If it’s not and you’re not connected, they rejected it. 

What is the 3+ meaning in LinkedIn?

The “3+” notation on LinkedIn means you have more than three mutual connections with a person.

How do I remove someone from my LinkedIn profile?

To remove someone from your connections, go to their profile, click on ‘More’, and select ‘Remove connection’.


Devanny (dev-uh-knee) is a Social Media Marketer based in Las Vegas. She's a dog lover with a propensity for mystery novels, and when she's not at her laptop working on comprehensive marketing campaigns, she can probably be found running around Disneyland or curled up with a good book!