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Meet Zhoo, Zopto’s new AI companion for fully automated campaign creation! LEARN MORE!

Top-performing companies are winning new customers and outgrowing their competitors by automating outreach initiatives. Thirty-one percent of marketing professionals believe they’ll be purchasing a marketing automation solution in the year ahead. 

LinkedIn automation, Email marketing automation, and CRM automation are some of the growing buzzwords among marketing professionals. It’s time for you to consider how automation can save resources, increase brand reach, and target your efforts better with data-driven decisions. This post will cover prominent tactics you can leverage to automate outreach campaigns and optimize your leads funnel.

Email marketing automation

There’s no denying that running an email campaign is one of the most powerful digital marketing tactics. Seventy-seven percent of marketers have seen an increase in email engagement over the last twelve months. While this strategy is giving significant results, take your B2B email marketing to the next level with the help of automated workflows.

With specialized email marketing tools, you can choose templates, upload audiences, run A/B testing of the subject line and email content, and schedule your campaigns. Such automated tools also allow you to send follow-up emails to the audience subset that does not respond. You can even leverage meaningful analytics and elevate your campaign strategy accordingly. And outreach personalization is also possible with the help of automated email marketing, which can further increase your response rate by 100 percent.

Cold calling automation

With B2B cold calling as an outreach campaign, you contact a potential client before they’ve shown an interest in your brand or product. By automating this process, you’ll make more calls each day. However, this means ensuring the human element doesn’t get lost in the shuffle while respecting your leads’ time and privacy. Besides, you can prioritize calls depending on the lead scoring of the prospect in your CRM software.

CRM automation

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a tracking tool that enables you to optimize interactions across different touchpoints with both existing and potential consumers. And with CRM automation, it becomes easier to manage client relations, dig into data insights and take informed decisions to boost customer loyalty. Automated workflows make it easy to keep track of leads and clients, streamline repetitive manual tasks of sales and marketing teams, and optimize running multiple campaigns simultaneously.

Zopto’s LinkedIn automation features easily integrate with your existing CRM automation tools for better lead generation and management. Setting it up is also effortless thanks to our dedicated support team ready to help your business succeed

LinkedIn automation

LinkedIn automation involves sending connection requests, follow-up messages, and other activities you would otherwise need to do manually. LinkedIn automation tools such as Zopto provides you with end-to-end coverage—from producing and publishing personalized content to maximizing lead generation. 

With Zopto, you can update your first-degree network on important business news, schedule posts to promote your company, tailor your InMails and invites to better match your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP), and in fact much more! Besides, you get automated reports that will help you gauge how many leads responded and converted.Integrating Zopto with LinkedIn Sales Navigator gives your sales team insights into improving the outreach campaigns and how to close deals with a human-centered approach despite being automated.
Choose from our range of packages and let’s get started with the most rewarding LinkedIn lead generation tool. Contact us today or book a Demo to learn more about how we can help your business automate outreach marketing and optimize your leads funnel.


Dana Vines works in Sales and Business Development as a full time digital nomad. She helps B2B and B2C companies develop partnerships across the globe. When she's not working on building relationships, you might find her scuba diving, at a live music event, or planning her next destination.