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Meet Zhoo, Zopto’s new AI companion for fully automated campaign creation! LEARN MORE!

Has this year flown by for anyone else? 2021 is almost over, and as the end of the year wraps up, it’s time to wax nostalgic about the many lessons and tribulations we’ve experienced.

Aside from the global pandemic, this year provided much education for the Zopto team, from how to be nimble and the importance of a solid platform.

Here are just a couple of things we’ve learned this year and will take with us into 2022!

The right features make a huge difference

With LinkedIn cracking down on automation tools, 2021 presented plenty of challenges for us to continue to be able to provide the best platform possible to our clients.

As we figured out how to navigate the new invite restrictions, the Zopto team learned that working on new (and much-needed) features is the best way for our platform to continue growing and continue offering the best service possible. In 2021, we introduced about a dozen new ways for our users to continue building their LinkedIn outreach campaigns, including ways to bypass limits, integrating basic LinkedIn elements in-app, working within the Facebook API to target users there, and much more.

We’ll gladly toot our own horn and say that Zopto is more powerful than ever for LinkedIn outreach and automation.

Check out our whole array of new features here:

Build a strong team

With an international team that spans many different time zones, we learned this year that communication across teams is imperative to building a strong business. The sales team and marketing team catch up weekly to discuss ways we want support each other’s efforts, and check to make sure that we’re all on the same page for new campaigns and initiatives.

We’re also in constant communication with our developers and engineers to ensure that platform suggestions from users and agencies make it to the right hands to help us develop the new features that our users actually want to see.

Face-to-face time (at least over Zoom) is crucial for us to continue growing as a company, and that’s something we’ll continue into the New Year!

Keep an eye on your competitors 

It seemed like a new competitor popped up every other week in 2021! And we’ve got our eyes on all of them. We want to make sure that we’re staying up-to-date with what everyone else is doing, if not surpassing them completely, so our marketing team makes it a point to do a competitive review each quarter and assess if there’s any initiatives we can take away from what other automation tools are implementing – A wise practice for any business!

Here’s to 2022

So as we look forward to the New Year and the many possibilities it brings, the Zopto team is excited to continue planning the growth and accessibility of our features, platform and company! See you in the New Year!


Devanny (dev-uh-knee) is a Social Media Marketer based in Las Vegas. She's a dog lover with a propensity for mystery novels, and when she's not at her laptop working on comprehensive marketing campaigns, she can probably be found running around Disneyland or curled up with a good book!