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For the second interview of The Zopto Experience series, we contacted one of our first Zopto Plus clients, Osayi Osunde – owner of Fit Academy – to talk about his experience with our new product.

Zopto Plus is our new 100% done-for-you LinkedIn lead generation and appointment-setting solution, where we handle the full campaigns setup, implementation, analysis, and engagement in conversations with prospects that reply, then proceeding to nurture the connections and setting appointments on your calendar.

What is Fit Academy

Fit Academy is a dynamic fitness and social networking community based out of Fairmount and Brewerytown, Philadelphia. Owner Osayi Osunde started it back in 2014 within his personal network of friends within the city who wanted to train “like an athlete”. It began with 8 friends, a set of resistance bands, agility ladders, cones, and the “Rocky Steps”. Since then, Fit Academy is now the number #1 fitness destination in Philadelphia.

Besides being the owner and co-founder of Fit Academy, Osasy is an American Council of Exercise (ACE) certified personal trainer, 4X Best of Philly Trainer, Red Bull Opinion Leader, nationally published fitness model for Under Armour, a former captain of the world champions Team USA IFAF National Football Team, former NFL Football player for the Green Bay Packers, and captain of the 2009 Villanova University National Championship Football Team. He focuses his training sessions on engaging his clients, connecting people, and motivating them through a variety of fitness modalities that are fun yet challenging. Osayi believes fitness is both mental and physical, and lives by the moto: “Think Fit, Live Fit”.

Our interview with Osayi

My name is Osayi Osunde, I’m the owner of Fit Academy, a private fitness studio here in Philadelphia, and I am a Zopto customer.

What sparked your interest in Zopto?

I reached out to Zopto to find out more about their solution, because I really wanted to find out new ways to reach new clientele on Linkedin. Right now, I currently do a lot of lead generation and marketing on Facebook, as well as Instagram, and I wanted to see how I can reach a more professional client-base with specific backgrounds, as well as with an income and purchasing abilities that fit the services that I needed.

What Zopto plan have you been using?

Right now, I’m on the Zopto Plus plan and it’s been excellent so far. Zopto Plus allows us to leverage the systems and software of Zopto, so reaching out, liking profiles even on Twitter, reaching out for connections and then on top of that, being able to follow up with a dedicated admin who does all of our lead settings. So that’s been excellent so far.

What was it like before you found out about Zopto?

Before using Zopto we were using Sales Navigator by itself, it was a lot of manual outreach and it took up a lot of time – three to four hours between copying and pasting, reaching out to individuals, identifying the specific markets. With Zopto Plus, they work hand in hand with us to identify that market, create the actual content in terms of the outreach communication, and then on top of that they schedule the the meetings of our calendar, so it saves us a lot of time.

What problem were you trying to solve with LinkedIn automation?

As an owner, I’m extremely busy, so I work, you know, anywhere between 10 to 12, maybe even more hours per day, and to manage another one for the aspect of marketing – I just don’t have the time for it. So by having Zopto Plus, it really does help me save time,  be a lot more efficient and get more done.

What made Zopto Plus stand out from other options?

I think one of the capabilities that made Zopto Plus stand out most was the Dedicated Account Manager, as well as dedicated appointment setter. Those really, number one, helped us navigate a lot of the aspects that we just didn’t know, that would have taken us a lot of time when it comes to systems, and then, of course, the back and forward messaging to get someone on our calendars for a a meeting. So those are the features that actually really stood out to me the most.

Zopto in a nutshell?

Zopto does something that I do all the time on social media, which is get into a direct message conversation with a potential prospect, so I knew the power of Zopto going in, and I was excited to be able to leverage that within my network on LinkedIn, as well as hopefully expand that network by reaching out to other individuals that were on my ideal client.

What made you happiest about working with us?

Working with Zopto actually been really, really good – they’re extremely flexible, they understand the needs of the business, they take the time out to really truly ask you the right questions, and even brainstorm with you. Their client management is excellent. Just like any business, nothing is always going to be perfect, but as long as we’re open, able to have, you know, open, honest conversations, we can kind of navigate those areas through sticking points that helps us essentially get what we need out of it, and then, on top of that, helps them get newer experiences and different types of business industries. I think the client management’s been really excellent and the communication between our [Customer Success Managers], you know, Danielle and Julie, only continue to get better.

What have you been able to achieve since using Zopto Plus?

So I’ve been able to achieve some pretty great results since signing on with Zopto, I’ve been able to leverage my system and I launched the executive wellness program on Linkedin, and I’ve been able to get, I believe, three clients over the last month – pretty high ticket, right, so on average a ticket value, anywhere between $3600 and up, so I think right now we are close to about $10000 worth of revenue just from Linkedin outreach and using Zopto.

What’s the main reason you recommend Zopto?

Now the biggest reason why I would recommend anyone who’s thinking about lead generation to use Zopto would be, number one, most of the money that’s in this game when it comes to sales and marketing it’s gonna be made in one-on-one conversations. No longer are people, you know, responding to emails as often as they used to. No longer people responded to ads as much as they used to. People want to buy from people and as long as you have a solid network and you’re offering a solution that actually solves problems, getting into the conversation is critical to be able to help people but also generate revenue.

What would you tell someone who’s considering Zopto?

If there was someone considering Zopto, I’d say give it a shot, their account management is excellent, they’re super communicative, they’re always available to get on a call to problem solve or change up the plans when it comes to the approach or strategy, and the system works, right, so give it a shot. It’s an investment in your business and as long as your sales tactics and your products and solutions are aligned, you can definitely generate a lot of real revenue and extract those funds from your network and your surrounding network.


Hey there! I'm Alice Guala, born and bred in Italy, but currently based in the UK. I’m a digital marketing expert who specialises in social media, content strategy and content creation. In my spare time, I love recording music and spending time with my rescue pup!