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What is a LinkedIn InMail message?

LinkedIn InMail messaging is a feature that allows you to send messages to anyone you don’t have a connection with or know on LinkedIn. It’s a great way to make new connections, reach out to candidates if you’re a recruiter, and expand your network. 

This paid feature is available only to LinkedIn Premium subscribers and is coveted by many users worldwide. InMails makes it easy for recruiters and job seekers to share messages and pitch themselves to a broader pool of prospects. They’re highly effective for converting users, with a response rate of 18 percent to 25 percent, so it’s essential to nail it with the right message. 

Why leverage LinkedIn InMail messages?

The primary reason anyone is on LinkedIn is to expand their network, make meaningful business connections, and grow their careers. One of the best ways to do this is by sending personalized messages. This shows you’ve researched the person and are genuinely interested in what they do and want to add value to their life. 

The InMail feature is one of Linkedin’s most used features, and for good reason too. In the past, marketers have had difficulty getting to top executives using traditional communication channels like cold emailing. However, InMails are quite effective at helping B2B sales, marketing teams, and business professionals reach high-profile clients. 

LinkedIn InMails are not unlimited, so it adds to their exclusivity making prospects more appreciative when they receive an InMail. This is because they probably don’t get them as often as other forms of promotional messaging. 

Tips to succeed

As with other forms of messaging, a few people may be reluctant to open InMails. Here are a few tips and best practices to make InMails stand out so prospects are more interested in them.

Craft an eye-catching and professional subject line

Having a catchy, short, and direct headline improves your chances of your InMail getting noticed and opened. It’s the first impression your prospect will have of you, so it needs to be carefully crafted to reel them in. Personalize and make your subject line attention-grabbing so the receiver knows you prepared the message especially for them. A good tip is to add the receiver’s name and other information, such as education or volunteer activities, to show you’ve done due diligence. This boosts their trust and makes them want to talk to you.

Draft crisp messages (icebreakers) to hook the recipient’s interest

Another great way to get their attention is by using a personalized greeting, such as an icebreaker. Let the greeting show you’ve studied the prospect’s activity, such as mentioning common connections, similar skills, or shared groups. So, if they shared a newsletter recently, you can mention something of note from it. Then introduce yourself with information, such as your name and job title, so they know who they’re talking to.

Build credibility with expertise and a high-level proposition

Show your prospect why they should trust you by establishing your credibility. You can do this by sharing results of business activity or experiences that make you an authority on the subject you’re discussing. 

Next, demonstrate how you’ve helped people with similar challenges the prospect is facing by providing value and solving their pain points. You can also share content that helps them understand how your offer helps solve their problems.

Ace the personalization game in pitch/message

Your message should be highly personalized and show prospects it was drafted precisely for them. An excellent way to do this is by including at least two bits of personal information about them. This shouldn’t just include their names — that would be too easy. Look at their whole profile to get some genuinely unique talking points, such as awards they’ve won or content pieces they’ve written. 

Leverage LinkedIn automation tools 

Several automation tools are available for LinkedIn users to make InMail messaging less stressful. Imagine having to manually send hundreds of messages a day. It would be exhausting, making it easier to make mistakes, not to mention time-consuming. 

However, you can do almost everything automatically with the right automation tools. These tools can send out connection requests, and follow-up messages, in addition to identifying and messaging prospects. 

End with a clear CTA

Crafting stellar messaging that shares your value proposition and highlights precisely why a prospect should do business with you can be convincing. However, it’s not enough to get them to convert. Ending your message with a clear call to action prompts the InMail receiver to complete the action you want them to take. 

This can include scheduling a one-on-one call, signing up for a course, downloading an ebook, etc. These prompts get a faster response rate and put the prospect in the best position to respond. Some examples of clear CTAs are; 

  • Are you available for a call by four p.m. today?
  • Discover how to grow your business by downloading this ebook
  • Sign up for our limited slots webinar today

LinkedIn InMails don’t come with templates for getting prospects to convert, so it’s up to you to do the groundwork for developing world-class emails. You may draft your InMail templates or use Zopto’s InMail templates for different categories of prospects and personalize them for each candidate before sending them out. Send us a message and sign up for a free trial to get started. 

What is InMail message LinkedIn?

InMail on LinkedIn is a feature that allows you to directly message another LinkedIn member that you’re not connected to.

What does InMail mean?

InMail is a LinkedIn feature that allows you to directly message another LinkedIn member that you’re not connected to.

How many InMails can I send per day?

The number of InMails you can send per day depends on your LinkedIn membership. Basic members receive a certain amount of free InMails, while Premium members receive more.

How to get unlimited LinkedIn InMail?

Unlimited LinkedIn InMail is not available. The number of InMails you can send per month depends on your subscription type.

What is the limit of InMail?

The limit of InMail varies with your subscription type. For example, with LinkedIn Premium Business, you can send 15 InMails per month, whereas with Sales Navigator Professional, you can send 20 InMails per month.

What is InMail called now?

InMail is still referred to as InMail on LinkedIn.

How much does InMail cost?

The cost of InMail depends on your LinkedIn membership. Additional InMails can be purchased if you exceed your allocated amount.

How many InMails do you get per month?

The number of InMails you receive per month depends on your LinkedIn subscription. For example, with LinkedIn Premium Business, you receive 15 InMails per month, whereas with Sales Navigator Professional, you receive 20 InMails per month.

What is the difference between InMail and message?

InMail is a feature that lets you message someone you’re not connected with directly, whereas a regular message can only be sent to a LinkedIn member you’re connected with.

Devanny (dev-uh-knee) is a Social Media Marketer based in Las Vegas. She's a dog lover with a propensity for mystery novels, and when she's not at her laptop working on comprehensive marketing campaigns, she can probably be found running around Disneyland or curled up with a good book!