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Are you thinking about sharing videos to your profile or business page, but you’re not sure where to start?

Videos are one of the most engaging forms of content on LinkedIn and regularly outperform other types of content on the social platform. 

But without a well-crafted content strategy, video marketing can quickly become a waste of time and fail to get that boost of engagement and leads you’re looking for. 

In this quick post, we’ll show you how to post a video to LinkedIn and some best practices to make sure your videos get results. 

Ready to turn your LinkedIn followers into paying customers? With Zopto, you can easily automate outreach to connect with your followers and successfully book more meetings. Request a demo with us today and we’ll show you how we do it. 


How to Post a Video On LinkedIn: Step by Step

Whether you want to upload your video to your profile or business page, the process is pretty much the same.

1. Go to your LinkedIn profile or homepage

You can upload videos to your business page or your personal profile. For your business page, you’ll need to go into your business page. 

If you want to upload to your personal profile, you can do it right from the home screen.

2. Upload your video

On both your homepage and business page, you’ll see the video icon. Click on the video icon and select the video file you want to upload. 

Make sure your video has the following specs so it uploads without an issue:

  • Supported formats: ASF, AVI, FLV, MPEG-1, MPEG-4, MKV, QuickTime, WebM, H264/AVC, MP4, VP8, VP9, WMV2, and WMV3
  • Supported audio extensions: AAC, MP3, and Vorbis
  • Upload limit: 5GB
  • Minimum file size: 75KB
  • Maximum video duration: 10 minutes
  • Minimum video duration: 3 seconds

If you’re uploading a video for an ad, it also needs to be in landscape – LinkedIn doesn’t support video ads in the square aspect ratio. 

Caption your video

To add captions to your native videos, you’ll need an SRT file to upload along with your video. Click the pencil icon in the video player and you’ll be able to upload it.

This feature is only available for business pages, you can’t caption videos on private profiles. 

Add a filter

If you’ve uploaded your video from a mobile, you’ll be able to add filters to the video in the LinkedIn app. But this is only available for profiles, not business pages. 

Step 3: Add a post description

The post description is where you need to give context to your video. Give a brief overview of what the video is, and don’t forget to add any links that you talk about in the video. 

You can also include hashtags and tag anyone you’re mentioning in the video in the description for an added boost. 

Step 4: Share your video

Once you’ve completed all the other steps, it’s time to share your video! Double-check your privacy settings are right – it will need to be visible to the public if you want anyone to be able to share it. You can also choose to target a specific audience if you want to keep it just for certain users. 

Also make sure you allow comments in the advanced settings so people can comment and interact with your post. 

Embedded videos

To embed native videos on your website, click the three dots in the corner of the post once you’ve published it. You’ll see an option to “embed this post” and will be given the code needed to add to your website. 


Why You Should Incorporate Videos in Your LinkedIn Marketing Strategy

Why You Should Incorporate Videos in Your LinkedIn Marketing Strategy

There are a couple of key reasons why regularly sharing informative videos should be part of your content marketing strategy for LinkedIn. 

Reach a larger audience

Video posts are one of the most viewed types of content on social media, meaning you’ll reach a wider audience by incorporating it into your marketing. 

By having different forms of content – LinkedIn Pulse blog post, infographics, videos, etc. – your content becomes more inclusive which will help you reach a larger audience. Additionally, with the advancement of AI dubbing technology, you can now further enhance your videos with accurate and diverse voiceovers, ensuring seamless localization and captivating global viewers.

Better engagement

Videos on LinkedIn generate around three times more engagement than regular text posts. They cut through the noise of the social media platform and grab attention. And with all the major platforms putting more emphasis on video content, it makes sense that these get better engagement. 

Better brand messaging

Whether it’s a professionally recorded brand video or a quick explainer video shot on an iPhone, videos are seen as high-quality content. Not only that, it’s much easier to convey your branding and messaging with video visuals. This means you can communicate more effectively with your followers and speak directly to your target audience much more easily. 

Build trust 

Users are five times more likely to interact with videos on a company page than regular content, and the more interaction you can get, the more trust you’ll build. This is an important first step in growing brand recognition and getting new leads from LinkedIn. 

Increase lead generation efforts

B2B companies that use video in their content marketing grow their revenue almost 50% faster than those that don’t. Using videos on LinkedIn is a proven way to get more leads and close more deals, which is the overall aim of using the platform. 

Once you have a growing network and better engagement, you can capitalize on that growth by automating your outreach. With Zopto, you can create tailored outreach campaigns that bring in new leads every single month from your LinkedIn marketing efforts. 

Drive more traffic

Research shows that video drives around 80% of all internet traffic. That’s a massive figure that is growing and shows just how powerful video content can be on social networks. 


Best Practices for Creating and Publishing Engaging Videos on LinkedIn

Best Practices for Creating and Publishing Engaging Videos on LinkedIn

Hopefully, we’ve convinced you that video should be a regular component of your content marketing strategy. 

When it comes to LinkedIn, the platform is constantly coming out with new updates so it can be difficult to know how to make the most of videos on the site. 

Here are some best practices that will help your videos get good engagement from the start.

1. Keep ads short

If you’re uploading a video to use in a LinkedIn ad, keep it less than 15 seconds long. LinkedIn has shown that sponsored videos do best when they’re less than 15 seconds. 

Users have a short attention span (even when not looking at ads), so short, concise videos are best. To achieve this, here are some quick tips:

  • Don’t worry about intros – jump straight into the key points. 
  • Use graphics, people, and visuals to keep attention throughout the video.
  • Videos don’t have to be corporate – use appropriate humor or shock value.

2. Perfect your headline

Your headline needs to be engaging and instantly show the audience what the video is about. LinkedIn research has shown it’s the most influential factor in getting people to click the video, so give it some thought. 

Here are some ideas:

  • Make the headline relevant to the job title of your target audience.
  • Reference a specific industry so the audience knows it’s for them.
  • Make it bizarre or unique to hit the shock factor and build curiosity. 

3. Give context with text

The description of your video is almost as important as your headline. Users will skim this to figure out if they’re interested enough to watch your video, so you need to capture attention quickly and make them want to watch.

Your goal in the description is to answer the question: why is your video worth your target audience’s time?

Make sure to use keywords and hashtags to boost the video and help it show up in searches.

4. Consider the location of your audience

An interesting outcome of LinkedIn research showed that the location of an audience significantly impacts engagement rates. 

For example, humor was one of the best ways to get more clicks worldwide apart from Europe.

In Europe, the best engagement strategy was thought-provoking, educational videos. 

Knowing where in the world your audience is and tailoring your content to that location based on LinkedIn’s research on demographics will help you get more clicks and engagement on your videos. 

5. Include a CTA

Native videos should have a call to action in the video content itself as well as in the description. 

It’s best to add them to the end of the video to keep viewers engaged after the video ends and funnel them to your website or other content. 

Here are some quick tips for a better CTA for your video:

  • Make them simple and incorporate action words to encourage movement. 
  • Avoid sales pitches if possible – people love free content and value.
  • Don’t have an outro before the CTA – people will scroll away before seeing it. 
  • Make sure the audience understands the benefits of your CTA. 
  • Even if you say it in the video, also include it as a text overlay in case people watch with the sound off.

6. Tag your video with keywords

Tags are a great way to help your video show up in searches and broaden your reach. If someone follows a specific tag but not you, there’s a chance they’ll still see your video, giving you an opportunity to connect with someone new.


Use Video to Become a LinkedIn Influencer

Incorporating video into your LinkedIn strategy is crucial for expanding your audience, getting more leads, and growing brand recognition. 

All of this has one cumulative benefit – it helps your brand become an influencer on LinkedIn. There are influencers in every B2B niche on LinkedIn that have a large audience and can charge a premium for their products and services. 

Like the sound of your brand becoming an influencer in your industry? Check out our full guide where we share the specific strategy on how to become a LinkedIn influencer. 



Devanny (dev-uh-knee) is a Social Media Marketer based in Las Vegas. She's a dog lover with a propensity for mystery novels, and when she's not at her laptop working on comprehensive marketing campaigns, she can probably be found running around Disneyland or curled up with a good book!