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As long as you’re connecting with the right people, LinkedIn can be an excellent source when you’re trying to sell products or services. Unfortunately, many sales-focused messages come across as too salesy. Just like writing good pitch emails, it’s incredibly important to write messages on LinkedIn in a more conversational tone, or you run the risk of totally putting off your audience.

Luckily, Zopto can help.

Here are three important tips to consider when it comes to writing conversational LinkedIn messages that will result in more genuine conversations, more leads and more sales.

And feel free to schedule a demo and learn more about how to leverage our proven templates to boost your LinkedIn lead gen!

Tip 1: Avoid using sales jargon

Using sales jargon is likely one of the most common ways that you can turn off a new potential lead. Regardless if your message recipient knows a lot about the industry, or might even be a sales person themselves, using slang or sales terms can still be quite confusing to your average consumer.

In general, don’t speak to your leads the same way you would speak to one of your fellow sales associates. Instead, use simple language in a casual tone. Without being condescending, write to them like they are a person who knows very little about your industry or product. Ask if they want to learn more and make yourself useful.

Along with slang or sales terminology, don’t use any acronyms. ASAP, MQL, SQL, KPI, ROI… All might be lost if your prospect doesn’t understand. Just assume the customer doesn’t spend every minute of their day talking about this stuff the same way you do. Write plainly and use terms that are commonly understood.

Tip 2: Provide useful information

You shouldn’t send messages that aren’t actually useful to a prospective customer or client. Otherwise, what’s the point? You need to include practical information of some kind and provide value to them.

This starts by making sure you are speaking to the right audience. Ensure that you’re actually reaching the right kind of person who would buy your product or service. A buyer persona can really help with this!

For example, if you are selling marketing campaign management services, it probably isn’t going to be useful to send the message to someone who heads the IT department of a company. Target the right people for your message and tailor your message to provide useful information about your services for that particular audience.

If the prospect feels like their time is being wasted, they won’t continue to read any of your future messages.

Tip 3: Choose The Right Subject Line

Choosing the right subject line is just as important in LinkedIn messages as it is when you’re sending emails. Your recipient is likely getting a lot of messages just like yours. Your subject line stands out from the rest of them. Don’t use the “I’d like to add you to my professional network” standard line. Come up with something creative!

One way to get people to notice your subject line is to add a question. Think of a question that people will want to answer – If you can add in some flattery, even better! “Who does your marketing?” “How have you been?” “When did you write this article?”

Another way to get your audience intrigued is to add some urgency. Write something that indicates your offer is going away soon or insinuates that the clock is ticking down.You want to instigate a little bit of FOMO, without pushing people over the edge. They might be more likely to read the message if they think there is time sensitive information within it.

Bonus Tip: Use Automation Tools

Once you have written a useful sales message in a conversational tone, put together a flattering and urgent subject line, and have made sure not to use any unnecessary sales jargon, there is even more you can do. Use a LinkedIn automation tool like Zopto so you can save time by optimizing the whole process (and leverage our outreach templates to boot)!


Devanny (dev-uh-knee) is a Social Media Marketer based in Las Vegas. She's a dog lover with a propensity for mystery novels, and when she's not at her laptop working on comprehensive marketing campaigns, she can probably be found running around Disneyland or curled up with a good book!