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Do you want to speed up your internal operations and generate more leads? Automating your business processes is vital. Automation tools, such as LinkedIn automation, make it easier for companies to generate and retain leads. There are many tools companies can implement to free up time and money. Below, we discuss the most important automations your business should invest in.  

Business automation: What is it, and why do you need it? 

Business automation involves using technology or technical applications to free up internal resources. For example, does your sales team spend hours reaching out to prospective leads daily? If so, you may benefit from investing in Linkedin automation tools for lead generation. Business automation ensures your team can use their time effectively to work on other high-value tasks. 

The concept of business automation isn’t new. Many companies search for ways to streamline specific processes or tasks—especially repetitive ones. Even small business owners can get involved in the action. If you’re looking to scale your company, business automation helps you achieve that. 

Even the smallest of automations can improve your company’s workflows. For example, a LinkedIn automation tool like Zopto’s makes it possible to create automated campaigns for brand awareness and lead generation. Other tools also exist to improve customer service or accounts payable processes. Relying on business automation techniques is a wise investment. Here’s why.  

Benefits of implementing automation tools

One of the core pain points companies face throughout their lifetime is overcoming inefficient workflows. Internal operations and processes are costly, both in time and expenses. However, they’re necessary for your business’ success. Automation tools eliminate these issues and so much more. Let’s look at the benefits you’ll receive. 

  • Saves time. A tremendous amount of resources are saved when you implement tools like LinkedIn automation and others. Now, instead of your marketing team spending a day creating campaigns for different market segments, a tool does it all for them. This means your employees can work smarter on more vital tasks. 
  • Boosts profits. Letting technology take over necessary yet mundane tasks allows you to give more value to your clients. For example, your sales team can now prioritize meeting clients in person rather than spending hours writing emails to your new prospect list. 
  • Increases productivity. More automation equals improved productivity. When you allow technical applications to complete time-consuming tasks, they can do them in less time. This means more work is getting done, especially as your team can focus their efforts elsewhere. 
  • Minimizes errors. Humans aren’t perfect. Lack of attention and multitasking can lead to mistakes. Yet, by automating routine tasks, you can eliminate many—if not all—human errors. 
  • Creates standards. Standard operating procedures (SOPs) ensure each employee performs tasks similarly. Automation solutions like a LinkedIn automation tool follow the same steps each time to complete a workflow. These systems follow the rules you set out every time. 
  • Improves scalability. Lastly, implementing automation tools into your company helps you scale. Manually invoicing your clients will take a long time. However, getting a tool to do it means your business will comfortably scale in workload and client base. 

Are you unsure of which processes to start automating? We’ve put together a list of five automations all companies need.

Five automations to improve your business processes 

The key to implementing automation solutions, such as a LinkedIn automation tool, is to look at where you can save on time and cost. In most cases, these areas are directly related to lead generation. Marketing, sales, and customer service teams can all benefit from automation tools. Here are the areas you should focus on.  

Sales process

Your sales workflow is essential for capturing the right prospects and guiding them down the sales funnel. Employees in this department spend hours identifying buyer personas, pitching to leads across social platforms, and devising sales materials. Yet, you can automate many of these tasks. 

At Zopto, our LinkedIn automation tool removes the repetitive nature of lead generation. Our software uses advanced filtering and data cleansing to put your sales team in front of qualified prospects. Automation tools like ours allow you to expand your network, connect with your ideal clients, and boost sales.


Another potential area for automation is communication, particularly customer service and messaging. Whether sending a monthly update to existing clients or reaching out to prospective leads, these tasks take time to complete. A tool can easily automate routine messaging. For example, let’s look at a core hiring function: reaching out to job candidates. 

Many businesses turn to LinkedIn when hiring new employees. Its recruiting capabilities make it ideal for narrowing your search for the perfect candidate. However, sending customized messages to potential employees can be tiring. With Zopto, our automation tool works with LinkedIn Recruiter to make processes like this hassle-free. Build a messaging template, and our technology does the rest. 

Enterprise resource planning integration

Planning for the future requires analyzing various datasets; marketing analytics, procurement, accounting, and more. However, an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system is one way to automate all these insights into the database. Integrating with an ERP system gives your team real-time business data in one platform. 

Why is this beneficial? An ERP system allows you to diminish data inconsistencies, save time, and have a holistic view of operations. Zopto’s sophisticated automation tool acts as an ERP system, helping you make informed business decisions without having to change tabs. 


Marketing is another area that offers automation opportunities. Running LinkedIn campaigns and sending email blasts are critical business tasks. However, the hours needed to set up these tasks aren’t desirable. Automation tools simplify and optimize marketing initiatives so you can better identify and close leads. Let’s continue with LinkedIn automation as an example. 

Marketing on LinkedIn requires your team to set up market segments and target audiences manually. For each campaign, ad copy needs to be written and tailored. Campaign schedules need to be set and data analyzed. Setting up each campaign is time-consuming and can often be met with limitations. 

With Zopto’s LinkedIn automation tool, optimizing your lead generation marketing campaigns is a no-brainer. You can easily import your customer relationship management (CRM) system target list into our system to improve campaign conversion rates. Gain access to actionable insights that provide the data you need to run A/B testing. One of Zopto’s best features is its ability to integrate with your business’ favorite marketing tools. 

Customer relationship management 

If your customer’s information is stored in various Google spreadsheets, you need a CRM system. Accessing, updating, and keeping track of potential and existing leads is a significant task. Automate this process by keeping track of your sales funnel and more in one system. 

Many CRM tools allow you to perform lead management, lead scoring, email marketing, sales projections, and more. If you choose an automation tool like Zopto, our solution easily integrates with your CRM system to make your workflows more efficient. 

Linkedin automation: Why it’s vital for growing your business 

LinkedIn automation tools are quickly becoming a must for many businesses, especially when they want to grow. LinkedIn is a fantastic resource to leverage if you’re searching for B2B, SaaS, or ERP leads. However, as you know, these business processes require time and energy. 

As a LinkedIn automation agency, we understand how vital your resources are. That’s why our system takes care of routine, repetitive tasks. Our automation features include secure prospecting, data cleansing, a dedicated IP address, high converting templates, and tons more. Watch this quick webinar on how Zopto automates your LinkedIn efforts. 

Ready to get started with business automation tools? Start with LinkedIn automation. Sign up for a Zopto plan now.

How can I promote my business on LinkedIn for free?

Share quality content regularly, actively engage with your audience, optimize your profile, and utilize LinkedIn groups.

Which LinkedIn premium is best for business?

LinkedIn Premium Business is often recommended for business use, due to features like unlimited browsing capability, business insights, and more.

How do I grow my business on LinkedIn?

Regularly post valuable content, build a strong network, engage with your audience, use LinkedIn analytics to refine your strategy, and consider using paid advertising for greater exposure. Zopto can help in automating your LinkedIn outreach, saving you time and making your growth efforts more efficient.

Jaclyn joined the team as an Account Manager in early 2018 and now proudly supports Zopto as CEO, where she is responsible for wrangling and organizing our team initiatives.